Minggu, 08 Agustus 2010

Apa arti warna ?, Did you know About that ?

Time is 16.00 WIB in Ketapang City, I remember that time, after rain fall in down, so i m thinking about colour. I like white, yellow, and green. What that mean ? Can it show about my feeling?

(because i m one of interest women who can not tell my fell)

i looking for internet and find it. So yup...there is, so you can read this


Colour can have very different expression in different culture for example. This is admitedly not necessarily deciding factor in all project but if the topic and target audience are very specific, mistakes need to be avoided. We can see the colour circle, we can find one way looking at colour is to see them as warm or calm colour.

Red  :  danger, excitement, passion, love, violence, strength, sex, cheerfulness, blood, urgency, and irritability.
Orange  :  warmth, playfulness, sweetnes and soul.
Yellow  :  Cowardice, warmth, happiness, richness, freshness, aged, sunshine.
Green  :  Youth, immaturity, environment, health, nature, money, gullible, growth, new, naive, fresh and abundance
Blue  :  coolness, dependable, honest, reliable, melancholy, tranquility, depression, dignity, trust, gloomy, and power.
Purple  :  wealth,royalty, dignity, sophistication, elaborate and intelegent.
Pink  :  Soft, innocent, secure, and sweet
White  :  Clear , empty, clean, youthful and cool
Black  :  Mysterious, rebellious, bleak, evil, unethical, death, elegant, dishonourable, sophisticated, and strong

Colour act upon the body as well as the mind. Red has been shoe to stimulate the sense and raise the blood pressure, while blue has the opposite effect and calm the mind.

Colour is light, and light is energy. Scientists have found that actual psycological change take place in humans beings when there are exposed to certain colour. Colour can stimulate, excite, depress, tranquilize, increase, appetite, and create a feeling of warmth or coolness

Tak hanya pelangi manusia menyimpan warna, pada tubuh yang hidup atau saat tubuh itu telah tak hidup lagi. Warna yang memancar itu seperti aura dan dapat berubah sesuai dengan kondisi mental manusia itu.

Warna juga berperan penting dalam komunikasi manusia dengan dunia luar. Dalam kelancaran fungsi ingatan dan dalam pemenuhan fungsi belajar otak.Ini karena manusia dapat mengaitkan dengan tepat antara kejadian dan tempat antara orang dan objek dari penampilan luar dan warna. Pendengaran atau sentuhan tidaklah cukup untuk mendefenisikan objek. Bagi manusia, dunia luar mempunyai makna hanya jika dilihat secara keseluruhan dengan warnanya.

Semoga Bermanfaat...................

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